The Zuemshlomper is a ride with 12 cabins and 2 seats inside each one of them. The ride is known to function similarly to a Ferris Wheel but in a ovular shape and in a increased speed. The ride is 20ft long, and costs 4 Bintar to enter.

The Blinkomobonkle is a rollercoaster ride infamous for it's long loops and steep heights. The ride has 4 bench seats and is 14ft in width. Costs 7 Bintar to enter.

The Mechanism is a ride that is originally from Gazoland, but another one was made for Glaggleland due to popular demand. More information about the ride can be found by clicking on me. 

This replica of The Mechanism costs 3 Bintar to enter.

The Worm-on-a-string is a self-explanatory ride where one rides colorful worms attached onto a string and the base spinning in fast speeds. It is 7ft in width and costs 3 Bintar to enter.

The ZimZlobber is a ride with 12 cabins and 4 seats inside of them. it is a spinning type ride, and costs 3 Bintar. It is 8ft in length.

The Kraken's Hand is a ride where guests are put onto a spinny contraption thing. As it moves, the kraken arm spins along with the seating area. The ride is alledgedly starting to break and may end up eventually breaking. Hopefully it does not though. 

The Glubblor Fall is a brand new ride, it is a giant drop tower that drops the seats that are attached too a long rope, and spins down too the bottom before repeating this 3 times. It goes up to 64 bungles per second, and it's the most joyful rated ride in Glaggleland so far due to the seats dropping down, making it really fun and scary at the same time. If you want more information click on me.