
Price: 0.3 Gigglebucks ($4.80)

This is one of the top selections at Glaggleland also used in FurgGlag.


Price: 1 Gigglebuck ($16)

These foods are potato chips shaped like gigglers made of Glagatoes. They are NOT to be confused with Gloobies. They taste like normal potato chips.


Price: 2.5 Gigglebucks ($40)

A delicious bag of popcorn covered in glognut or goobab dust, and Bibblesfield Butter. A good snack for binge-watching movies with your friends! They also come in Giggler Popcorn tins (see below).

Giggler Popcorn Tin

Price: 5 Gigglebucks ($80)

Similar to Gigglecorn but these Giggler Popcorn tins carry double the amount then Gigglercorn! They come in 3 different flavors when opened, them being Caramel Gigglecorn, Cheddar Cheese Gigglecorn, and Butter Gigglecorn. Sold in Glaggleland shops and best to be shared with a fellow Glaggle!


Price: 20 Bintar ($80)

A fun loving breakfast food for the whole family!

Dig in with friends too because these large GiggleCakes can't be finished by 1 person!

Laughter Dogs

125 Bintar ($500)

These sweet treats look a lot like hot dogs in real life, though with some differences. Laughter Dogs look like hotdogs, but the sausage is made out of jelly instead of meat, and the bun is made out of candyfloss and has a sweet taste to it! It is a complete coincidence that the candy floss looks like bread.