
Price: 5,000 Glarquads ($4,000)

A lovely burger sold in certian fast food lines across Glaggleland and Gazoland. Practically a Big Mac, but with slabs of Gembocheese, Bibblesfield salad, Yellow Gubbler or Glagham, Borgatos, Sobions, and sometimes, juiced Orange Goobab as a spicy sauce.

Glog Meal

Price: 7.000 Glarquads ($5,600)

A fun meal if you are really hungry at Glaggleland.

Served in a joyous tray with fries with any sauce you like.

Glaggle Pizza

Price: 1,050 Gigglebucks ($16,800)

This gooey hot 'n' ready pizza, usually sold in certain pizzarias in Glaggleland, can be eaten with various toppings, such as Glogsauce, The Great Cheese, Glaggy Bears, and bits of Bibblesfield corn and Borgatos.

Refined Glognut

Price: 15,890 Glaggloonie ($9,534,00)

This very powerful material when made into a food is very tasty! It's so good that it became a popular delicacy loved by the most rich glaggles alive!

The taste is a 60% Glaggle Pizza, 30% FurgGlag and 10% Chef Tickleboogle's jelly! Very Tasty!


Price: 0.1 Blibbucks (0.1 Dollars)

This is Glagglelandic ice cream, they taste like vanilla ice cream.


Price: 0.1 Gigglebucks ($1.60)

These cakes are famous for their "Sun shapes" This cake has a Pink Goobab and Banana flavor. Some people dunk these in Smiloffee. However it has a decent taste when in Smiloffee.