
Price: 0.3 Gigglebucks ($4.8)

Some glaggles may mistake this with the Gloobie, although it has a different taste and texture. Enphosians may be poisoned while eating these.

Delightful Chocolate Glognuts

Price: 1 Gigglebuck ($16)

This Candy is usually sold at gift shops, however they can be sold by Enphosians which are luring unaware travelers to eat them, however we don't know what will happen after the poisoning, but we do know that travelers like to eat this treat and its filled with delicious Goobabs!

Chef Tickleboogle's Glake

Price: 10 Gigglebucks ($160)

A fantastic looking dessert, with the same taste as Thorn Glognuts, not to be confused with Glumutt! It has more of a Gongleberry taste also is shorter and has some flowers on it. Since it has a Gongleberry filling, it's also a healing cake.


Price: 0.9089 Youpier tokens ($20)

They can be served as a gift for other glaggles or humans, like a gift, they taste like LAUGHTER DOGS AND SKINNED THORN GLOGNUTS COMBINED WITH GLUMUTTS!! You can also give them to someone who you like! Giloks are yummy and very cool snacks!!! Taste better than Gloobies!!!!!1!!1!1111!1!!111111!!!!!!


Price: 7.5 Bintar ($30)

The small and cheap Gigglefixers have a boba-like texture, although hard as jawbreakers.


Price: 7.5 Bintar ($30)

Some joyous and delicious cotton candy that people like but some hate! They have 3 flavors, banana custard, chocolate, and a default flavor! A favorite to all Glaggles!


Price: 2 Gigglebucks per bucket. ($32)

Us Glaggles love these! These have 591 exciting flavors. But if an Enphosian try to eat these they will explode. How Joyous! These are delicious! Go ahead try them! Only 2 Gigglebucks for a bucket of them, every bucket has 100 of these!

Hard Bars Of Hogligos

Price: 15 Bintar ($60)

They taste like white chocolate, and it's super hard and delicious. 


Price: 15 Bintar ($60)

The perfect cold and cheap snack for a hot summer day. Comes in 3 flavors; vanilla, banana, and orange. Topped with a whole Fugorg Cherry, and occasionally mixed with goobab juice!