Skinned Glognut

Price: 17 Bintar ($68)

A Skinned Glognut That Has Vanilla flavor! They are one of the Thorn Glognut's variations, they are selled in some stores.

Glaggle Truffles

Price: 17.5 Bintar ($70)

Tastes like chocolate because of the crunch and the milk-chocolate flavour that everyone and everybody likes! They are found in lots of Glaggleland stores and bakeries!

Chef Tickleboogle's Jelly

10 Gigglebucks ($160)

Chef Tickleboogle's famous jelly, served in many restraunts across Glaggleland, occasionally topped with a few Shongl and Zing candies. The signature wobble and the black colour comes from the stable Enphosian Goo laced in the jelly.


Price: 64 Bintar per Dozen ($256)

The crunchy cookie delights found all over Glaggleland are a one way ticket to jello town! Circular, hexagonal, or heart shaped cookies are all variaties of gloobies. They come with a jelly inside the is mixxed with either chocolate or other goobab juices. Side effects of gloobies may result in increased happiness and lower depression rates.

Horn Glogdorps

Price: 3500 Gigglebucks ($8,000)

These delicious cupcakes are lovely and soft and perfect for a party. They usually come in packs of 10 or 8. They are made using the same ingredients as Thorn Glognuts. They also have the signature icing giggle, despite the wrapper being the face of a Sobber.

Thorn Glognuts

Price: 1,000 Gigglebucks ($16,000)

Also nicknamed "Glagglenuts", and "Donutglag", These tasty treats are the fluffy melt-in-the-mouth Glognuts sold universally across Glaggleland. These Glognuts have a Giggler face iced onto them, to give them that ethentic feel. Sometimes infused with different types of Goobab juice to bring out interesting textures and tastes for an extra 500 Gigglebucks.