Gembo Gluts

Price: 1,080 Gigglebucks ($17,280)

A tasty treat from Gemboland, it comes in a box with about 50 and a Gembo Glut looks like small Gembo, these candies have a soft shell with glocolate inside. Glocalate is sweet and comes from the Glag Beans grown throughout Gemboland. Gembo Gluts are produced in Gembople and can be flavored with Green, Blue, and Pink Goobab Juice, Orange is incompatible. 1,180 Gigglebucks ($20,000) is the total price for Goobab-Flavored Gembo Gluts.


Price: 3,200 Gigglebucks ($51,200)

These donuts are just Thorn Glognuts, but hardened from age. The inside remains joyous and soft, while the outside is crunchy and delicious. Only carried out in a few restraunts in Glooberland and also at Bibblerz Pizza. They come in the colors yellow and pink.

Shongly Zingers

Price: 1,600 Glaggloonies ($96,000)

A factory ran by certian Gloobers and Gleebers near the top of Gleeberland produces these jars filled to the brim with Shongl and Zing candies. The heart-shaped Zings taste as sweet as a Pink Goobab, as it is probably enfused with the goobab juice, and the star-shaped Shongls taste quite sour, as they are enfused with Orange Goobab juice.

Joyous Cake

Price: 2,000 Glaggloonies ($120,000), and awarded to people who do good deeds. 

These delicious sponge cakes are sold in packs. They are similar to Thorn Glognuts although "superior in taste and texture" to many. The rich sponge has a yellow filling, and a giggler is iced on top to make it feel at home.